Calvary ARP Church
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From our pastor

Here at Calvary we want everything we do, and everything in our lives to reflect our love for God. We live for His Honor and Glory, and we desire everyone to know Him through His Son, our Savior. We make much of God's Word, therefore, by which He tells us how we are to worship Him, to serve and live for Him, and to seek His Glory.
You are invited to love, enjoy, and serve the Lord together with us. You will never be a stranger here, but you will find a home, a family united to please God with no other Head than Jesus Christ, who loves the church and gave Himself for her!
Christ has said, "Come unto me!" Calvary ARP Church proclaims that call to you and to the world. Come to the Savior who bore the condemnation of our sins in our place, and whose perfect righteousness is our only hope of full acceptance before God and eternal fellowship with Him.
What kind of church are we? We are His Church, the one of which He spoke when He said, "I will build my church."
We are united in Truth, hearing the voice of our Lord in the public preaching of the Word of God.
We are a Confessional church, holding firmly to doctrine that has molded the faith of millions.
We are united in purity, living and pleasing God by keeping His commandments.
We are unified in hope, in a troubled world in despair.
Our future is to be glorified together with Christ when He comes bodily at the end of the age.
We are united in love, all of us building up one another toward maturity in Christ.
We pray always to be a True Church, a tender family, a place of refuge and peace, a place of Gospel safety and of the warmth of Christian love and care!
Come join us for confidence in a world of uncertainty, peace with God in a world of turmoil, and the joy of the Holy Spirit in a pleasure-seeking world that is driven to disappointment. We have a faithful God who, by grace, is making us His faithful people.
The doors are always open to you. Come grow in Grace with us!
--Herschel Carlson, Pastor
Sundays 1-3 PM
We meet at:
Washington Farm United Methodist Church
3921 Old Mill Road
Alexandria, VA 22309
Parking is available on the right (west) side of the church building. Please use the front door.
Giving options
In person during worship service
Or mail to:
P.O. Box 15209
Alexandria VA 22309
Or Give online
Calvary Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, Alexandria, VirgInia